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Photo produit preparateur ecs BEPC 300

BEPC 300

BEPC 300

Chauffe-eau thermodynamique KALIKO - De Dietrich

KALIKO thermodynamic hot water heater

Thermodynamic hot water heater


GSHP geothermal heat pump

GSHP geothermal heat pump

Photo produit ALEZIO S V200

ALEZIO S V200 air/water heat pump

ALEZIO S V200 Air/water heat pump with integrated E-Pilot control panel


ALEZIO COMPACT air-source heat pump

Split inverter air-source heat pump with electrical back-up for heating and domestic hot water, the ideal solution for new builds


STRATEO air-source heat pump

STRATEO heat pump offering 3 functions: heating, DHW and cooling with integrated 3 kW electrical back-up

pompe a chaleur hpi m

HPI-M air/water heat pump « monobloc-inverter »

HPI-M Air/water heat pump « monobloc-inverter »


ALEZIO S air/water split inverter heat pump

ALEZIO S Air/water split inverter heat pump with integrated E-pilot control unit


HPI-S reversible air/water split inverter heat pump

HPI-S Reversible air/water split inverter heat pump


STRATEO R32 air-source heat pump

Air/water heat pump with integrated 3 kW electrical back-up