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Système INISOL UNO : chauffage par capteur solaire thermique, production d'eau chaude sanitaire

INISOL solar systems

Inisol, Solar Systems
For individual domestic hot water production


Collective solar installations

Collective solar installations :
- DIETRISOL PRO C and POWER solar panels,
- DIEMASOL (B and C) and DELTASOL (ES and M) control systems,
- DKS (9-20, 6-30 et 6-50) and DKC (6-30 and 6-50) solar stations


DIETRISOL domestic hot water production

DIETRISOL, solar heating systems
For the production of domestic hot water


DIETRISOL domestic hot water and heating

DIETRISOL combined solar systems
For the production of domestic hot water and/or heating back-up