Products - Wall-hung Boilers
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Chaudiere Vivadens MCR par De Dietrich

Gas condensing MCR - P VIVADENS
Wall-hung gas condensing boiler up to 35,9 kWh

Compact, with a good level of efficiency and an attractive price, the gas condensing boiler MCR - P  VIVADENS meets all your requirements.

With an output up to 35,9 kWh, the large range of MCR - P  VIVADENS boilers handle :
- central heating using radiators or underfloor heating (MCR - P  24),
- central heating and instant domestic hot water production (MCR - P ... MI).
The boiler operates on natural gas or propane.

MCR - P  VIVADENS boilers are equipped with a control panel which includes an electronic regulation. Very user-friendly, it allows you to heat with precision and high performances.

  • Output : up to 39 kW
  • Extreme simplicity: install, use, maintain
  • A large range that meets all requirements

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Characteristics of the range

Model MCR - P 24 MCR-P 24/28 MI MCR-P 30/35 MI MCR-P 34/39 MI MCR-P 24 / BS 80 MCR-P 24 / BS 130 MCR-P 24/28 BIC
Fuel source Natural Gaz or Propane
Output 25,3 kW 25,3 - 31,6 - 35,9 kW 25,3 kW 25,1 kW
Type of Boiler Condensing
Heating only      
Heating + domestic hot water  
Heating + domestic hot water production
80 L calorifier adjacent to the boiler      
130 L calorifier under the boiler (BS 130)      
40 L calorifier integrated in the boiler      
Forced flue
Control system (options)
Easymatic, room temperature control panel
Easyradio , wireless room temperature control panel
Programmable temperature thermostat
Programmable wireless temperature thermostat
Non programmable temperature thermostat
Outdoor sensor

Details of the models

Click on the model to get more details :

MCR - P 24
MCR - P 24/28 BIC
MCR - P 24/28 MI, MCR - P 30/35 MI, MCR - P 34/39 MI