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Advance : demand the best for you and the planet


The products in the Advance range guarantee an efficient, evolutive and environmentally friendly heating solution, whether for new build or renovation.
You can use a combination of various energy sources and thus enjoy the benefits of a multi-energy system in order to make sustainable savings on your heating bills. For optimum comfort, the control systems fitted to Advance products allow you to adjust your heating to the temperature that exactly suits your needs. Therefore, by using the renewable energies available from Advance solar installations or heat pumps, you are helping to protect the environment.

Why did they choose Advance?

Advance : demand the best for you and the planet

Products in the Advance range

Advance : Floor standing boilers

Gas condensing boiler

MODULENS gas condensing boiler

  • Up to 30% savings
  • Lower polluting emissions
  • Multi-energy compatible
  • Efficiency up to 109% 

Photo produit chaudière fioul à condensation Modulens O - AFC


  • Boiler can be combined with several types of DHW tank depending on your needs
  • Diematic iSystem top of the range control system
  • Patented system for the modulating oil burner
  • Compact and fully equipped

Advance : Wall-hung boilers

Photo produit de la chaudière Evodens

Gas condensing boiler EVODENS

  • Energy savings
  • High-tech design
  • Robust and sustainable

Advance : Heat pumps

Product picture heat pump GSHP

GSHP geothermal heat pump

  • Energy savings of up to 80%
  • 100% clean, renewable energy
  • Year round comfort
  • Discreet well-being

Photo produit preparateur ecs BEPC 300

BEPC 300 Mixed DHW tank

  • A high performance solution for domestic hot water
  • 300 litres of domestic hot water

Advance : Solar installations

Dietrisol, solar heating systems for the production of individual domestic hot water

  • Up to 60% of your annual domestic hot water needs free
  • Domestic hot water comfort
  • “Performance” and “comfort” systems to cover all of your needs
  • Systems composed of solar collectors, DHW tanks and control systems
  • Additional energy needed, compatible with all other systems (oil-fired, gas, wood boiler, heat pump, electric)

The DIETRISOL solar systems for solar heating and production of domestic hot water.

  • Management of domestic hot water and additional heating
  • « Performance » or « comfort » system to meet all needs and all configurations
  • Systems composed of solar collectors (thermal solar panels), calorifiers and control systems (one of the models incoporates a condensing gas boiler as standard)
  • Compatible with all other heating systems (oil-fired, gas, wood boiler, heat pump, electric)

Advance : Domestic hot water

Foto de producto BLC 150 - 500

Independent HW tank B

  • High quality hot water
  • Reinforced insulation
  • Unlimited hot water

Photo produit préparateurs mixtes MPLC

Mixed HW tank MPLC

  • Dual operation for permanent comfort
  • Quality materials
  • MPLC: multiple fixing and installation possibilities

Electric water heater COR-EMAIL

  • Intelligent electronics that ensure high precision
  • Unequalled safety : no heating when tank is empty
  • A 100% reliable anti-legionella system
  • Hot water at a constant volume and temperature

Storage tank RSB

  • large volumes of storage
  • made of thick steel sheeting
  • Anti-corrosion system

Advance : Burners

Fuel oil domestic burners

Fuel oil burners incorporate all the latest innovations in heating, and ensure reliable, economical operation and are remarkably 

Fuel oil commercial burners

The medium and high output oil burners produce very high efficiencies whilst only consuming the minimum of energy, resulting in a maximum of energy savings

Gas domestic burners

Energy savings, environmental protection, silent operation and optimal home heating comfort : gas burners respond to all of these concerns with their high performances and their low emissions of pollutants. 

Gas commercial burners

Medium and high output gas burners produce very high yields whilst only consuming the minimum of energy, resulting in a maximum of energy savings.